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Artemia cysts

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 Artemia cysts  

Bulgarian DOO ARTEMIADIRECT cooperates with companies of Kazakhstan, China, Russia and the U. S. , mining and processing Artemia salina cysts. To the international market Artemiadirect provides a high quality product that passed all the tests at all stages of production with a help of highly qualified professionals and modern-equipped laboratory. 1. Artemia cysts Of these properly incubated eggs hatches nauplii - live feed, which has optimal size for any kind of fish and crustaceans. Such food is rich in protein and amino acids which provides intensive growth of young fish. Packaging: 450 g, 5 kg. Origin: Russia, China, Kazakhstan. 2. Decapsulated Artemia Decapsulated Artemia cysts are smaller than just hatched nauplii, thats why its more accessible to the consumption of fish larvae at the early stages of life. Therefore, decapsulated Artemia is an excellent food for all kinds of young fish. Packaging: 450 g, 5 kg. Origin: Russia, China, Kazakhstan.

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